There is a reason why the lead generation funnel discussion is important to all business owners. On one side, the internet puts millions if not billions of potential customers at your disposal. On the other hand, there is a long list of competitors offering similar products or services. All of them are also eyeing the same potential buyers. Amidst all this, how do you stand out among them?

Additionally, how do you ensure that your business makes many leads, conversions, and sales under such circumstances? You are probably thinking about utilizing your website or social media accounts. That’s a good thing but often inadequate. That’s where a lead generation funnel comes in. This piece is about this powerful marketing concept. It will discuss the following;

  • What is a lead generation funnel?
  • The main stages of a lead generation funnel

  1. Top of the Funnel (TOFU)
  2. Middle of the Funnel (MOFU)
  3. Bottom of the funnel (BOFU)

It is only right that we get started.

What is a lead generation funnel?

First of all, a lead generation funnel is also referred to as a sales funnel. As the names suggest, it is a path including the various steps that a lead passes through until it becomes a successful sale or conversion. Those who have been in the marketing sector understand how hard it is to make someone interested in your products or services, especially if they already have a seller who they feel gets it right. There is also more to having a lead since other steps must be undertaken to gain anything from it.

For instance, you must make the prospect interested in what you have to offer. After that, convince the potential buyers to buy the service or product and close the deal. You can even improve the situation by ensuring that the new customer becomes a returning one. That’s what a lead generation funnel is. It is also important to note that organization is crucial as far as it is concerned. That’s why we will be discussing the different stages of a lead generation funnel in the next segment.

The main stages of a lead generation funnel?

There are three main stages of a lead generation funnel. None of them is indispensable since they all have a significant role to play to ensure that you have a successful marketing campaign. That’s why we will be discussing them in detail. Check them out!

Top of the Funnel (TOFU)

It is the first stage of the lead generation funnel. It is important to note that it sets the pace of the other two stages. The main focus of the top of the funnel stage is creating awareness of your brand, product, or service. Remember that it involves the first time interacting with your visitor. Therefore, the most important thing in this stage is building trust. It is not as hard as it may sound, no doubt. After all, using relevant yet timely content is a method that has done this job perfectly. At this stage, you ensure that you convince the potential customers of your brand’s authority and reliability in that particular industry.

Besides content, search engine marketing and Pay per Click campaigns can also help at this stage. Alternatively, you can go for billboards, newspapers, television ads, and radio, among other traditional advertising methods. In short, use every technique at your disposal to create awareness of your brand. Your target audience comprises people yet to hear about your brand hence have no idea of your products and services. So, besides creating awareness, convince them that what you offer is relevant to them. Since the prospects are looking for solutions to their problems, let them know that you understand the problem as early as at this first stage.

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU)

If the first state was successful, then you have a lead. Remember that a lead isn’t enough if you don’t benefit from it. This lead generation funnel stage is one way of achieving that. The first one was about convincing them to develop an interest in your business. Now that you have their attention, it is time to ensure that they buy what you have to offer. Therefore, turn these leads into sales and conversions. Keep in mind that it is something that won’t happen overnight. In most cases, you will have to nurture them to be successful. Do it as often as possible since consistency is important in marketing.

There are high chances of having other competitors. So, this stage also involves telling them how you stand out from the rest. Bring out your uniqueness in a way that makes potential customers feel that you are the best option. Keep reminding them about your brand’s existence lest they forget about your brand. After all, if they do, you may have to go back to square one, and that’s unfair given the time and money used to create brand awareness.

Bottom of the funnel (BOFU)

Two things are already done and dusted at this lead generation funnel stage. First, they are aware of your brand and what it offers. Secondly, they understand how your products or services can solve their problems. Additionally, you have also convinced them that you are the best. Now it is time to make them take action. Ensure that your lead becomes a conversion or sale. There are several ways of doing so, including discount offers and trial extensions. Once you convince the potential buyer to transact with your business, you can consider the marketing campaign successful.

Final Words: Lead Generation Funnel

A lead generation funnel is indispensable when running a marketing campaign, no doubt. After all, its focus is capturing leads and then nurturing them until it becomes a sale or conversion. Isn’t that what usually interests the business owners? Ensure that you follow the three stages of the lead generation funnel diligently. You can’t overlook any of the stages either. Otherwise, you may have millions of leads that never bear any fruits. Wouldn’t that be a waste of such a lucrative opportunity? Remember that Leadchimp marketing agency is just a call away whenever you are stuck along the way.