Lead generation is about making potential customers admit that they are interested in your goods or services. Once you convince the prospects to acknowledge their interest, you will also lure them into sharing their contact information. One of the commonly shared contact detail is the email address. Once you get it, the sales team will use it to reach out to potential customers and try to convert them into actual customers. That describes email marketing in lead generation. Like any other lead generation marketing strategy, you have to do it right for great results. So, how do you ensure that you do it right? Here is a highlight of things that can better help you do email marketing in lead generation. Let’s discuss things you need to understand without much ado since knowledge is power.

About Email Leads

It is important to acknowledge that it would be hard, if not impossible, to involve email marketing in your lead generation marketing campaign without email leads. By mentioning email leads, one refers to the people who have already shared their contact information with your organization, including email addresses. There are various ways of enticing people into becoming email leads. They include lucrative offers such as a free product, discount, eBook, or a free trial, to mention a few. Most business owners come up with opt-in forms where people share their contact information and get free goodies.

With the email addresses at your disposal, email marketing comes in. It is the process of nurturing these leads into becoming conversions and sales. Remember that they shared their contact information because they are interested in your goods or services. So, since they have shared their email address, you need to use it to give them the push they actually need to buy what you are offering. It is important to note that email marketing doesn’t stop there. You should also go ahead and use it to turn your new customers into loyal ones.

What About Buying Email Leads?

Email marketing is a great strategy for lead generation, but doing it wrong could do your marketing campaign more harm than good. One move could see you do email marketing in lead generation all wrong. So, as tempting as purchasing an email list might sound, you better think twice before engaging. Let’s highlight why purchasing email leads could be a bad idea altogether.

1. Blocked ISP

First and foremost, it is a practice that has left many people in no position to send emails. After all, it leads to ISP blockage due to laws such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM. They are against this practice of sending emails to an email list that you just bought from someone.

2. Unsubscribing from your Email List

There are also high chances of most recipients unsubscribing from your email list as soon as they receive the first email from you. Why not when they have no idea about the existence of your business leave alone the products or services that you offer. Consequently, the money you will have spent on the email list will go to waste, and that’s not good for the business.

3. Marking Your Emails As Spam

Some of the email recipients won’t stop unsubscribing. On the contrary, they will even go ahead and mark them as spam. That’s a nightmare you need to avoid at all costs. After all, such consequences include a low deliverable rate, and the same case applies to the sender score. These consequences can really jeopardize email marketing.

4. Reducing Your Chances of Indulging in Successful Email Marketing in the Future

Additionally, being blocked by an email recipient eliminates any opportunity that you had of convincing them to become a buyer. If you had used the right channel to gain their email addresses, the potential customers might have converted eventually. However, that becomes impossible once they block you. Better safe than sorry, and that’s why buying an email list isn’t smart when indulging in lead generation marketing.

5. Loss

All the above reasons translate to a loss in various ways. For instance, you lose the time you spent sending those emails since they didn’t bear any fruits. Secondly, buying an email list means digging deep into your pocket. If the list doesn’t help your lead generation marketing campaign, you will most likely lose a considerable amount of money.

Is Email Marketing in Lead Generation Worth the Efforts?

It is a question that often crosses the minds of many business owners before indulging in this lead generation marketing strategy. Why not, given the efforts one needs to put in? There is also the issue of remarks often made by people. One of them is stating that email marketing is dead.

Fortunately, studies have should that email marketing is actually getting better. The rate at which sending and receiving emails have increased each passing year is encouraging beyond any reasonable doubt. On average, email users sent and received up to 269 billion emails in 2017. An increase was registered the following year, and a new record of 281.1 billion emails daily was set. As of 2023, the daily emails sent and received will hit about 347 billion.

With such a huge audience at your disposal, all you need is a plan. Ensure that you identify people interested in your products and services. Once you do, convince them to share their email address. Use them to make these users your loyal partners. After all, email marketing in lead generation is clearly worth the efforts.

Final Words: Email Marketing in Lead Generation

Email marketing is a proven method of running a successful lead generation marketing campaign. After all, it is an effective way of nurturing your leads so that they can yield the desired fruits. However, whether it is successful depends on how you go about it. The most important step is to avoid buying an email list. Alternatively, go ahead and partner with a lead generation agency such as Leadchimp. It will know how to carry out email marketing in lead generation in the best way possible.